

Before any application can be made to court, you are required to attend MIAM. Miam (Mediation Information and assessment Meetings) is mandatory to asses whether or not there is room for both parents to negotiate a parenting plan or certain issues without court intervention; For parents to co-parent rather than placing it in front of a judge. The courts are not there to parent but to assist parents when a decision can not be reached amicably or one parent is being unreasonable. We will assist you with all of your paperwork and help to draft and reach a parenting plan.

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Before any application can be made to court, you are required to attend MIAM. Miam (Mediation Information and assessment Meetings) is mandatory to asses whether or not there is room for both parents to negotiate a parenting plan or certain issues without court intervention; For parents to co-parent rather than placing it in front of a judge.

The courts are not there to parent but to assist parents when a decision can not be reached amicably or one parent is being unreasonable.

Courts are required to know that MIAM has been considered before they will give permission for you to proceed with your application.

 Action For Fathers (AFF) offers direction to high-quality family mediation and support services to all families affected by relationship breakdown, divorce or separation in England and Wales. All mediators are accredited, selected and trained to the highest standards.

They will assist to try and help you to reach joint decisions about all the issues associated with your separation. We also provide specialist services for children for reports.
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